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Parent & Caregiver Social Time
Parent social time is designed for parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism. Sessions provide a safe space for parents to have virtual discussions about challenges they may face, questions they may have or just an opportunity to meet with other parents who can understand their day to day lives. Parenting strategies and […]
Psychological Assessment Services
Kinark offers a range of psychological assessments for children and youth between the ages of two and 18. A psychological assessment is used to evaluate a child or youth’s development, thinking, learning, emotions, behaviour and/or day-to-day functioning. The information gathered through assessments helps to support children, youth and their families in making informed decisions and to better advocate in health care, school, and community settings.
Resource Kits
Individualized Resource Kits Are you looking for resources and materials to support your child’s growth and development? Request free individualized resources today! To request a Resource Kit, please complete our request form by clicking the button below. DIY Resource Days Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our […]
Service Navigation and Coordination
Service Navigation and Coordination Do you have a child or youth registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) and require information on resources in your area? The Kinark team is here to help! Service Navigation and Coordination connects you with our knowledgeable Foundational Service Specialists who provide information based on the unique needs of your […]
Social Time
Social Time! Join our team for a social time that the whole family can enjoy! Social Time is a fun and interactive way for families, teens, parents and kids to connect virtually, discuss ongoing events or participate in different activities and crafts! Facilitated by our Foundational Service Specialists, Kinark offers four types of groups to […]
Speech-Language Pathology
We offer Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) assessment and treatment sessions for children and youth. Our SLP services focus on the assessment and treatment of a broad range of speech, language, and communication impairments. These sessions support a child’s ability to communicate more effectively and participate in daily activities.
Summer Programs
Summer Programs Are you looking for summer programs that offer social opportunities for your child? Join us in 2025! Our summer programs are designed to help children develop essential skills in a fun, supportive environment. Using evidence-based strategies, our experienced clinicians guide children in learning communication, social skills, emotional regulation and/or daily living skills, through […]
Teen Social Time
Teen social time is designed for youth with autism to connect virtually and in person, and participate in fun and educational activities and discussions. These sessions are recommended for youth aged 12 to 18. Upcoming Sessions
Transition Supports
Transition Supports Ask a School Consultant Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school […]
Virtual ABA Programs & Services
Virtual ABA Programs & Services Virtual programs provide children and teens on the autism spectrum with a way to engage in ABA services from the comfort of their own home. Our team is committed to providing high quality service, no matter how we connect. Virtual programs have benefits for both children and their caregivers. Programs […]