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Embracing the Benefits of Group-Based ABA Services

Enhancing Social Skills, Teamwork, and Emotional Growth in a Supportive Group Setting

Group-based Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) offers numerous benefits that extend beyond individual therapy with a unique set of advantages that can enhance the learning experience of children and youth with autism. While one-on-one ABA therapy is highly effective, in a group setting, participants can practice their social skills with their peers in real-time, fostering meaningful connections and friendships. This environment encourages individuals with autism to learn positive behaviours from their peers, accelerating their own progress. Additionally, group-based ABA promotes collaborative problem-solving and teamwork, essential skills for everyday interactions.  

Kinark also offers virtual group services, a powerful and effective alternative to traditional in-person groups. Here are some key advantages of our group-based ABA programs. 

Individualized Group Matching 

One of the primary benefits of our group-based ABA programs is that participants are matched based on their age, skills, and goals. This approach allows participants to receive instruction and engage in activities designed to develop their skills and have a meaningful and valuable experience. By aligning participants with similar needs and capabilities, we create an environment where everyone can thrive, learn from each other, and build meaningful relationships. 

Group Sample Sessions 

Choosing the right group for your child can be challenging. To assist families in making informed decisions, we offer sample group sessions. These sessions allow children to try out some activities from our groups and meet our facilitators. During these sessions, our facilitators observe each child and recommend the most suitable groups based on their strengths and areas of need. This approach ensures that each child is placed in a group that addresses the most appropriate skills for that child.  

Engaging Learning Methods 

In our groups, learning goes beyond traditional lecture style. We incorporate a variety of engaging methods, including discussions, hands-on activities, role plays, and games. This multifaceted approach makes learning enjoyable, creates opportunities to practice new skills, and leads to better clinical outcomes. By integrating fun and interactive elements into our sessions, we keep participants motivated and eager to learn. 

Expanding Group Offerings with New Groups 

We continuously expand our group services to target a wide range of social skills in diverse ways, based on feedback from families across the multiple regions we serve. This ongoing evolution allows us to address the diverse needs of our participants. We are excited to have recently introduced three new groups: Hangout with Friends, Exploring Feelings, and AIM Explorers. 

Hangout with Friends: This group was developed in response to family feedback, to focus on practicing social skills in a relaxed, supportive environment. Participants engage in activities such as making and sharing meals or snacks, playing board games, and other interest-driven activities. This group aims to provide a space where children can socialize, have fun, and develop friendships in a relaxed environment. This group is recommended for children and youth ages 7 to 18; participants are matched based on their age and skills. 

Exploring Feelings: Understanding and managing emotions is a crucial aspect of personal development. This group aims to help participants identify and express their feelings, develop coping strategies, and improve emotional regulation through guided discussions and interactive activities. This group is recommended for children and youth ages 7 to 12; participants are matched based on their age and skills. 

AIM Explorers: AIM Explorers is another innovative group designed to help children balance their emotions, develop personal values, and make better choices. AIM helps participants develop social-emotional skills by combining three evidence-based practices: Mindfulness Training, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and ABA. Using storytelling, stuffed animals, and board games, this group teaches valuable life skills in a fun and engaging way. By incorporating familiar and enjoyable activities, AIM Explorers helps children internalize important lessons about emotional regulation and decision-making. This group is recommended for children and youth ages 7 to 12; participants are matched based on their age and skills. 

Other groups like Career Connections, are designed to target specific skills and interests, providing a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience. 

Career Connections: Our Career Connections group is designed for youth and young adults who are preparing to enter the workforce. This program offers practical guidance on resume building, interview skills, workplace etiquette, and more. By participating in this group, youth and young adults can gain the confidence and skills necessary to navigate the professional world successfully. This group is recommended for youth ages 12 to 18+. 

Why Choose Kinark’s Group-based ABA Services? 

According to a recent client survey, 100% of caregivers of children and youth who have participated in Kinark’s Group-based services agree that:  

  • They have observed improvements as a result of the program 
  • Their children are applying the skills they learned in the program in their daily life 
  • The program taught them skills they can use to support their child 
  • The services are high quality 
  • They are satisfied with the service Kinark provided 
  • They are likely to return to Kinark for service 
  • They would recommend Kinark Autism Services to a friend or colleague 

Kinark’s Group-based services are eligible for purchase through Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Core Clinical services funding, interim one-time funding, and some private insurance providers. Our groups are offered at various centre locations and online in response to demand. We offer many additional groups that are listed on our Group-based ABA page. If you are looking for something in a specific region, please contact us to let us know. 

 Join Us for Our Fall Groups! 

Group-based ABA offers numerous benefits either as a standalone service or as a complement to enhance traditional one-on-one therapy. By carefully matching participants, providing sample sessions, using engaging teaching methods, and continuously expanding our offerings based on feedback, we ensure that our groups meet the diverse needs of our participants. Whether through structured goal-oriented activities or relaxed social interactions, our group-based ABA programs create a supportive and enriching environment for children to learn, grow, and thrive. We look forward to seeing you at our sessions this Fall and supporting your journey towards success! 

For more information and to register for our Fall groups, please visit our Group-based ABA page, FAQ page, or contact us directly by email at or call us at 1-800-283-3377.

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