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The Determination of Needs Information Session

The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]

Let’s Eat

We all know how challenging a picky eater can be, but did you know there are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) strategies that can help? You will become more familiar with the importance of good eating habits, issues common to picky eaters, and factors that may influence them, how to increase healthy eating routines, and ways […]

Transitions Done Right

Change happens…but it does not have to be hard! In this session we will help you identify the bigger and smaller transitions in your child’s life and provide you with the tools and strategies for success. You will learn how to prepare your child for the many transitions across their day, their week, and the […]

Building Healthy Sleep Routines

Sleep concerns can be common in children with ASD and many parents struggle with how to address them. You are not in this alone! We are here to support you with ways to develop a healthy sleep routine. In this workshop you will learn ways to track your child’s sleeping behaviours, identify and troubleshoot potential […]

The Determination of Needs Information Session

The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]

Teaching Functional Life Skills

Everyone knows it’s important to teach your child their ABCs and 123s. But what about the skills they need to get through the rest of their day, the rest of their lives? Functional life skills are essentially skills that allow us to function independently at home, school, work, and in our communities – things like […]

Sexual Health: Menstruation

Supporting children as they become young adults is an exciting time. A significant teaching time can be when a youth begins their menstrual cycle. This session is designed to support parents in building healthy self-care routines for their child and introducing the topic of getting a period in a positive way. The workshop provides practical […]

Keeping Your Child with ASD Safe: Wandering and Running Away

Parents and caregivers view the safety of their children as a significant concern. Many children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are reported to wander or elope, making them more prone to leaving the safety of a caregiver or support person and wandering from their home, school or community setting. This causes significant risk […]

Keeping Your Child with ASD Safe: Water and Road Safety

Parents and caregivers view the safety of their children as a significant concern. Parents of children with ASD often have additional concerns to consider when addressing their child’s safety. This workshop outlines essential safety skills on the topics of water and road safety. You will learn tips and tools that support you to anticipate the […]

During Behaviour: Helping Your Child Find Their Calm

The Behaviour Series are three independent but related workshops where caregivers learn ways to support their child before, during and after displaying challenging behaviour. This session focuses helping your child find their calm and shares what caregivers can do during an episode of challenging behaviour to support the child who is experiencing strong and uncomfortable […]

Healthy Sexuality: The Middle Years

Puberty is a normal stage of life and one that we all experience. But if not prepared, can be a time of mixed feelings for parents and pre-teens, causing confusion and anxiety. Your child’s body is growing and changing and the more you know about those changes, the more you can prepare and support your […]

Ask a BCBA

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges navigating all the available supports and services for their child. Come and chat with a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) to learn more about treatment areas and scope of practice within the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). This session […]

Keeping Your Child with ASD Safe: Household and Fire Safety

Most parents and caregivers view safety as a significant concern. Parents of children with ASD often have additional issues to consider when addressing the safety concerns of their children. This workshop outlines essential safety skills with regards to household and fire safety. You’ll learn tips and tools you can use to anticipate the risks, avoid […]

The Determination of Needs Information Session

The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]

Ask an OT

Come and chat with our Occupational Therapist to learn more about our Occupational Therapy services and how it can support your child’s development. This session allows for an interactive experience where parents and caregivers can ask questions related to Occupational Therapy. Topics covered may include sensory processing and managing sensitivities, developing motor skills, activities to […]

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