Transitioning back to school may be a challenging experience for learners and caregivers. Proactive planning and supporting your child with the tools they need can make going to school and the school year a more positive experience. This session will include a discussion about the safety skills to practice, routines to incorporate and maintain throughout […]
Medical and dental appointments are an important part of maintaining good health. However, it can be challenging and stressful when preparing your child for these appointments. This workshop is designed to review how evidence-based practices can be utilized to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder when preparing for these appointments and procedures. In this workshop, […]
We all know how challenging a picky eater can be, but did you know there are Applied Behaviour Analysis strategies that can help? In this workshop, you will become more familiar with the importance of good eating habits, issues common to picky eaters, factors that may influence common issues, how to increase healthy eating routines […]
Toilet training can be a challenge for anyone! This session will cover what you need to know prior to starting toilet training for your child and set you up to be successful. This workshop will discuss key prerequisite skills and important considerations before starting a toilet training program. You will learn how to decide when […]
Sleep concerns can be common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and many parents struggle with how to address them. You are not in this alone! We are here to support you with ways to develop a healthy sleep routine. In this workshop you will learn ways to track your child’s sleeping behaviours, identify and […]
From the first cry after your child’s birth to learning to say their first word, there are many steps along the way and many more to go before your child masters communicating with words. This session will provide an overview of communication milestones and critical early language skills. You will leave with individualized goals and […]
Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges when understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with ASD often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress from an angry meltdown, tears of sadness or constant worries can be hard! Come chat with […]
Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges when understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with ASD often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress from an angry meltdown, tears of sadness or constant worries can be hard! Come chat with […]
The Behaviour Series is made up of three independent, but related workshops, where caregivers learn ways to support their child before, during and after displaying challenging behaviour. This workshop provides a variety of practical strategies that may help you prevent and prepare for challenging behaviour before an escalation occurs to help set your child up […]
Parents and caregivers view the safety of their children as a significant concern. Children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may wander or run away, making them more prone to leaving the safety of a caregiver or support person and wandering from their home, school or community setting. This can cause significant risks for […]
Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) new skills may require additional thought and a clear plan. Behavioural Skills Training (BST) is a teaching procedure that is proven to help support learning new skills. This session helps caregivers build their teaching skills by reviewing the steps of BST and how it can be used to […]
Are you looking for fun and engaging activities while your children are off school for the summer? Join our Occupational Therapist who will share a variety of activity suggestions for you and your child over the summer months with a focus on building sensory processing, motor skills and self-regulation skills. Participants will also be provided […]
We all thrive on routine, and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder do especially well with repetition and predictability. But what happens when your child’s regular routine is disrupted? This workshop teaches you how to establish a healthy routine at home with your child and how to manage disruptions. You will learn the importance of establishing […]
Everyone knows it’s important to teach your child their ABCs and123s. What about the skills they need to get through the rest of their day and lives? Functional life skills are essential skills that allow us to function independently at home, school, work, and in our communities. Skills may include brushing our teeth, ordering take-out, […]
Parents and caregivers view the safety of their children as a significant concern. Parents of children with ASD often have additional concerns to consider when addressing their child’s safety. This workshop outlines essential safety skills on the topics of water and road safety. You will learn tips and tools that support you to anticipate the […]
Puberty is a stage of life we all experience. As a parent or caregiver of a youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this can be an especially challenging time. Learning how to support your youth with ASD to take care of their own health, prepare for the changes that occur during puberty, and develop a […]
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