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The Determination of Needs Information Session

To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better understanding of how to prepare, what to expect, and […]

Power of Reinforcement

Reinforcement is a natural process involved in learning virtually all new skills. As parents, reinforcement can be one of the most powerful tools we use to support specific goals with our children. In this education session, you will learn how to use reinforcement to teach your child new skills, increase their motivation, expand their interests, […]

The Determination of Needs Information Session

To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better understanding of how to prepare, what to expect, and […]

A Parent’s Guide to Bullying

Bullying is pervasive in Canadian schools and communities. Unfortunately, research indicates that children with autism are at a much greater risk of being bullied than their typically developing peers. This workshop engages parents of children with autism who may be concerned about their children being bullied or perpetuating bullying in the presence of their peers. […]

Navigating Sexuality: Guiding Teens and Tweens with Confidence

Puberty is a normal part of life that everyone goes through, but it can bring up a lot of mixed emotions for both parents and pre-teens. Without preparation, it can be confusing and stressful. As your child’s body goes through changes, understanding what’s happening can help you feel more confident in supporting them. In this […]

Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a challenge for anyone! This session will cover what you need to know prior to starting toilet training for your child and set you up to be successful. This workshop will discuss key prerequisite skills and important considerations before starting a toilet training program. As well, you will learn how to […]

Occupational Therapy: What is it? How can it help?

Life is made up of meaningful everyday activities or “occupations,” such as walking the dog, brushing our teeth, preparing a meal, painting, doing the laundry and playing games. Occupations are a significant part of life for children with ASD and their families; they describe who we are and how we feel about ourselves. As Kinark […]

Ask a School Consultant: Advocacy

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be difficult. Come and chat […]

Ask a School Consultant

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be difficult. Come and […]

Ask a School Consultant

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be difficult. Come and […]

Ask a School Consultant

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be difficult. Come and […]

Ask a School Consultant

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with autism may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be difficult. Come and […]

Sensory Story Time and DIY Resource Day

Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy sensory play and story time with the Children’s Librarian, Jenn and one of our Kinark team […]

Sensory Processing and Regulation

Many people with autism process sensory information (i.e., information coming in through your vision, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching senses), from the world around them differently from others. This workshop, led by an Occupational Therapist, will explore more about the sensory system, how it affects people with autism every day, and how to support your […]

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