The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) is not the only place you can receive funding for your child. Do you need additional support for recreation programs? Funding for respite care? Discounts at main attractions? Do you know who to contact if you are in a crisis? Come join our Beyond the OAP: Accessing Regional Resources sessions […]
Join us for a FREE ASL-Friendly Sensory Day Event where your DeafDisabled child can enjoy tactile exploration, full body movement activities, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources! Activities include: Snoezelen Room and tactile exploration Circle Time and drum circle DIY crafts and resources Outdoor playground Fun play time for your child Talk […]
Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, connect with other families, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy sensory story time and arts & crafts with Children’s Librarian Jenn and one […]
The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]
The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]
The Determination of Needs (DoN) Information Session (1 hour) To access Core Clinical services through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) a Determination of Needs (DoN) will be completed with primary caregivers to determine funding amounts. This session will provide an overview of the DoN. You will learn about the overall process, and have a better […]
Join us as we celebrate Lunar New Year! It’s the year of the dragon and we will have crafts, resource kits, enjoy snacks and more! Meet our staff, explore our Centre, and learn about our programs & services. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy a sensory story time with Children’s Librarian Jenn and one of our Instructor Therapists! This free […]
Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy a sensory story time with Children’s Librarian Jenn and one of our Instructor Therapists! This free […]
Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy a sensory story time with Children’s Librarian Jenn and one of our Instructor Therapists! This free […]
Join us for a FREE DIY Resource Day where you will meet members of our team, learn to create visuals, and leave with free resources for your child! While you are working on resources, your child gets to enjoy a sensory story time with Children’s Librarian Jenn and one of our Instructor Therapists! This free […]
Many children with ASD also struggle with mental health challenges like constant worries, low mood, and overwhelming feelings of frustration. Your child may act in ways you don’t understand, and they may not be able to explain how they are feeling. When your child is unable to control their emotions or actions, you may feel […]
Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges with understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with autism often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress – whether it be an angry meltdown, tears of sadness, or constant worries – is hard! […]
Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges with understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with autism often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress – whether it be an angry meltdown, tears of sadness, or constant worries – is hard! […]
These live information sessions are for families who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about the Entry to School (ETS) program. Sessions will provide information about the program and an opportunity for families to have their questions answered by members of the York Simcoe Autism Network team. The ETS […]
These live information sessions are for families who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about the Entry to School (ETS) program. Sessions will provide information about the program and an opportunity for families to have their questions answered by members of the York Simcoe Autism Network team. The ETS […]
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