Les parents, les soignants, et les tuteurs d’enfants ayant un diagnostic de trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) peuvent avoir des difficultés ou des questions à naviguer dans tous les soutiens et services disponibles et avec le placement scolaire de leur enfant. Venez discuter avec une analyste du comportement certifiée (BCBA) ainsi qu’avec d’autres parents, […]
We all know how challenging a picky eater can be, but did you know there are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) strategies that can help? You will become more familiar with the importance of good eating habits, issues common to picky eaters, and factors that may influence them, how to increase healthy eating routines, and ways […]
Many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience challenges with executive functions, including, focus, inhibition, memory, emotion, and planning. Executive functions underlie many life skills and behaviours that are used in daily activities both at home and school. This ranges from simple activities, such as following one-step instructions, to more complex activities, such as preparing a […]
Bullying is pervasive in Canadian schools and communities. Unfortunately, research indicates that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at a much greater risk of being bullied than their typically developing peers. This workshop engages parents of children with ASD who may be concerned about their children being bullied or perpetuating bullying in the presence […]
Wondering how to support your child’s transition to kindergarten? This workshop is tailored to prepare families for this significant milestone with helpful information and tips. In this workshop you will learn about steps to prepare your child for school, effective communication with the school, visual supports, and more!
Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be […]
Toilet training can be a challenge for anyone! This session will cover what you need to know prior to starting toilet training for your child and set you up to be successful. This workshop will discuss key prerequisite skills and important considerations before starting a toilet training program. You will learn how to decide when […]
Sleep concerns can be common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and many parents struggle with how to address them. You are not in this alone! We are here to support you with ways to develop a healthy sleep routine. In this workshop you will learn ways to track your child’s sleeping behaviours, identify and […]
Have you ever found yourself frustrated when your child just isn’t learning a skill? Teaching a child with ASD new skills may require additional thought and a clear plan. Behavioural Skills Training (BST) is a teaching procedure proven to support learning new skills. This session will review the steps of BST that parents can use […]
We all know how challenging a picky eater can be, but did you know there are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) strategies that can help? You will become more familiar with the importance of good eating habits, issues common to picky eaters, and factors that may influence them, how to increase healthy eating routines, and ways […]
Sleep concerns can be common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and many parents struggle with how to address them. You are not in this alone! We are here to support you with ways to develop a healthy sleep routine. In this workshop you will learn ways to track your child’s sleeping behaviours, identify and […]
This fourth session in the School Series focuses on bringing together the information of the previous three sessions on school policies and procedures to help you to effectively advocate for your child and collaborate with your child’s school team. This session will provide you with information on what it means to be an advocate for […]
The Ontario Ministry of Education recognizes that students develop and learn in different ways and that some children will require special education programs. The Education Act requires school boards to provide special education programs for children who need them. The IPRC process is the pathway to ensuring proper placements and levels of support are secured […]
Let’s come together and use our creativity on a LEGO building adventure!
Kinark is excited to invite you to a virtual Coffee chat. We invite parents and caregivers to meet and connect with other parents/caregivers to discuss topics that affect and interest you.
Spring has Sprung! It is time to make some beautiful spring artwork so come and join us to showcase your skills!
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