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Ask a Psychologist

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges with understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with autism often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress – whether it be an angry meltdown, tears of sadness, or constant worries – is hard! […]

Entry to School Information Session

These live information sessions are for families who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about the Entry to School (ETS) program. Sessions will provide information about the program and an opportunity for families to have their questions answered by members of the York Simcoe Autism Network team. The ETS […]

Entry to School Information Session

These live information sessions are for families who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about the Entry to School (ETS) program. Sessions will provide information about the program and an opportunity for families to have their questions answered by members of the York Simcoe Autism Network team. The ETS […]

Ask a School Consultant

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges with their child’s school placement, helping school staff understand their child’s needs, and understanding the services and supports your school board may offer. Seeing your child struggle with accessing curriculum or thriving in either virtual or in-school placements can be […]

Teaching with Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)

This workshop will provide you with an overview of ABA strategies and tools to teach new skills. You will learn different ways to help (prompt) your child, ways to let your child know when they have done well (reinforcement), how to break down skills into smaller steps to make teaching easier for your child, and […]

The Behaviour Series: After Behaviour

After Behaviour: Responding Intentionally and Effectively to Behaviour focuses on the things that caregivers can do after both valuable skills and challenging behaviour to make it more likely that the child will display those valuable skills that they possess and make it less likely the child will rely on challenging behaviour to get their needs […]

Let’s Talk About ASD

Do you want to learn more about autism? Join us for Let’s Talk about ASD. In this session we will discuss autism, some early signs and risk factors, and describe how ASD is diagnosed to help you better understand your child’s diagnosis. We will review some cognitive differences in individuals with ASD, including challenges with […]

Ask a BCBA

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges navigating all the available supports and services for their child.  Come and chat with a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) to learn more about treatment areas and scope of practice within the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). This session […]

The Behaviour Series: Before Behaviour

The Behaviour Series is made up of three independent but related workshops where caregivers learn ways to support their child before, during and after displaying challenging behaviour. This session focuses on setting your child up for success by sharing ways that caregivers can prepare their child before potentially challenging situations to help limit challenging behaviour. […]

Introduction to Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a challenge for anyone! This session will cover what you need to know prior to starting toilet training for your child and set you up to be successful. This workshop will discuss key prerequisite skills and important considerations before starting a toilet training program. You will learn how to decide when […]

Transition to High School

The transition to High School workshop is tailored to prepare families with helpful information and tips to help decrease some of the stress and anxiety related to this significant milestone. In this workshop, we build awareness to support a successful transition including ways to familiarize your child to the new school, prepare you for school […]

Supporting Your Child’s Special Education Placement and the IPRC

The Ontario Ministry of Education recognizes that students develop and learn in different ways and that some children will require special education programs. The Education Act requires school boards to provide special education programs for children who need them. The IPRC process is the pathway to ensuring proper placements and levels of support are secured […]

Skills for Successful Group Participation

When we enroll our children in social skill groups, school, and various community programs, we want to ensure they have the pre-requisite skills they need in order to be able to learn in these environments. We want them to benefit from what is being taught and these experiences. There are so many skills that a […]

Sensory Processing and Regulation

Many people with Autism Spectrum Disorder process sensory information (i.e., information coming in through your vision, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching senses), from the world around them differently from others. This workshop, led by an Occupational Therapist, will explore more about the sensory system, how it affects people with ASD every day, and how to […]

Picking Apart Picky Eating

In this companion part of our Let’s Eat series, our Occupational Therapist will guide you through exploring the environmental, motor and sensory factors that impact eating and provide practical strategies to improve your child’s tolerance of a variety of foods using a gradual, sensory-based approach. Topics covered include: pre-requisite skills for eating, establishing positive mealtime […]

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