Blog Archives: Events

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Insect Habitat

Did you know that insects are adaptable creatures that live in almost every habitat on Earth? Register by August 11 to receive a free insect habitat kit in the mail and then join us virtually to make it with other families. Additional details about your free kit will be provided upon confirmation of attendance.

Lego Building Fun – In person!

Family social time is designed for families of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Sessions aim to provide an hour of virtual fun through interactive and engaging activities for the whole family! Time to use your imagination and creativity on a Lego building adventure! Register by August 2 and the join us in-person […]

Tracking Behaviour

Collecting information about behaviour is critical when teaching new skills, especially if you are a parent or caregiver of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This workshop will cover why, how, and when to track behaviour, and how to use the information collected to select effective strategies. Whether you are already involved with a […]

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Executive Functioning

Executive functions support everyday life skills and behaviours, from simple activities like following one-step instructions to more complex activities like preparing a meal. It is common that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience challenges with executive functions, including focus, inhibition, memory, emotion and planning. This workshop is led by Kinark’s Occupational Therapist and will […]

ABA Strategies in School and PPM 140

This session provides a brief overview of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and an introduction to the PPM 140 policy. PPM 140 is a policy that mandates the use of ABA in schools to assist in the education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). You may have heard of these terms, or they might be […]

Ask a Psychologist

Parents and caregivers of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience challenges when understanding and managing their child’s behavioural and emotional needs. Children with ASD often struggle with emotional regulation and seeing your child in distress from an angry meltdown, tears of sadness or constant worries can be hard! Come chat with […]

Sexual Health: Understanding Menstruation

Supporting children as they become young adults is an exciting time with many significant teaching moments, especially when a youth begins their menstrual cycle. This session is designed to support caregivers in building healthy self-care routines for their child and introducing the topic of periods and menstruation in a positive way. This workshop provides practical […]

A Parent’s Guide to Bullying

Bullying is pervasive in Canadian schools and communities. Research indicates that children with autism are at a much greater risk of being bullied than their peers. This workshop engages parents who may be concerned about their children being bullied or perpetuating bullying in the presence of their peers. Content includes defining the common types of […]

Supporting Your Child’s Special Education Program and the IEP

The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a document that is often described as the cornerstone of special education for children who have exceptional needs. Caregivers, educators and community partners all play important roles in the planning and implementation of a student’s special education program. Taking a collaborative team approach to setting observable, measurable and realistic […]

The Behaviour Series: After Behaviour

The Behaviour Series is made up of three independent but related workshops where caregivers learn ways to support their child before, during and after displaying challenging behaviour. This session focuses on responding intentionally and effectively to behaviour by sharing the actions that caregivers can do after challenging behaviour occurs. This workshop provides a variety of […]

Kinark Kreates Q&A: Visual Schedules

Visual schedules are great tools for assisting children with following routines and increasing their independence. Our Kinark Kreates DIY Visual Schedules video shows you how to create and use a visual schedule with your child. Participating in this Q&A session will give you an opportunity to speak with an ASD Consultant about how to individualize […]

The Behaviour Series: During Behaviour

The Behaviour Series are three independent but related workshops where caregivers learn ways to support their child before, during and after displaying challenging behaviour. This session focuses helping your child find their calm and shares what caregivers can do during an episode of challenging behaviour to support the child who is experiencing strong and uncomfortable […]

Advocating for Your Child with ASD in the School System

This session focuses on combining key information from school policies and procedures to help you effectively advocate for your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school system. You will be provided information on what it means to be an advocate for your child, ways to effectively advocate for them, and the importance of […]

Transitions Done Right

Change happens but it does not have to be hard! In this session we will help you identify the bigger and smaller transitions in your child’s life and provide you with the tools and strategies for success. You will learn how to prepare your child for the many transitions across their day, their week, and […]

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